Notebook Porn! In search of the perfect notebook

Hang around me long enough and you’ll soon learn about my addiction to office supplies. Pens! Pretty Papers! Notebooks! Colored Stickies! Dangle any of those in front of me and watch me start to twitch. Usually when I start jonesing for a fix I head for the nearest OFT (office supply temple) and wander about oohing, aahing, and fondling the paper goods until I find something I can’t live without. Surprisingly, other than a few forays to Amazon’s overwhelming selection I’ve not explored my addiction for pretty notebooks (floral covers! elastic bandy thingies! peacock colors!) via the online world.

Until today.

Today I learned there are entire websites and blogs devoted to the enjoyment of notebooks. Yeah, I’m twitching right now. It ain’t pretty. Be happy you can’t see me. The world might think there’s nothing as heated as the Star Wars versus Star Trek debate, but they’ve not experienced the ferocity of a Moleskin aficionado when challenged.

Like any good addict, I’m willing to share a few of my new favorite web hangouts:

Do you love pretty notebooks? Have an old favorite you can’t do without? Come share in this safe place with your fellow office supply addicts. 

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